Pre-nuptial Agreements: A Short Guide

In this article, I explore what a pre-nuptial agreement is and why it matters when you are considering getting married or entering a civil partnership and the effect these have when you decide to separate and/or formally divorce. What is a pre-nuptial agreement? A pre-nuptial agreement is a document that is drawn up by a … Read more

Trust of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (the Act).

In this article, I explore what unmarried co-habiting couples should consider where the ownership or rights over shared property cannot be resolved without intervention. Such matters are dealt with under a piece of legislation (an Act) called the Trust of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (the Act). This is commonly referred to as … Read more

Life As A Barrister During Covid-19

Life As A Barrister During Covid-19 – Sima Najma

It’s a year now since Covid-19 became the number one concern of almost everyone worldwide. It’s had an unimaginable effect on our lives, in every conceivable way. Families have been separated as people have had to shelter at home, while the lockdowns also caused the rest of us to stay in our homes for unprecedented … Read more